Friday, December 30, 2011

Cool Judo Highlight

Check out this awesome clip showing some awesome judo techniques in international competition. You will see throws, submissions and pins. The energy of the world class athletes is truly captured in this video. Enjoy!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Low Kick Compilation

The low kick is a basic and effective weapon that once mastered can put an opponent in a world of hurt. It can stop a fight. Check this clip out of low kicks taking out some of the top fighters in the game.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

360 Degree Round House Kick KO in MMA

This is first here folks. The tornado kick knocking a man out in MMA. Here's a clip from a recent MMA fight in Russia, featuring Kudo World Champion Adam Khaliev knocking out opponent with this kick.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Roberto "Hands of Stone" Duran

Roberto Duran is without a doubt one of the best lightweight champions of all time. His reign is unparalleled. Check him out.

Tae Kwon Do Kick Highlight

Here is a pretty cool Tae Kwon Do (Way of the Hand and Foot) clip showing the incredible control of kicking techniques. Whether you are into TKD or not you can appreciate this.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Work The Body

One of my favorite body parts to attack is the liver. Wearing an opponent down with body work helps you in many ways. It takes energy out of your opponent and you can finish your opponent with a good shot to the body. Here's a clip of me doing some old school kickboxing (above the waist rules) with the late Larry Jarrett (who was a pro boxer and a champion kickboxer) back in the 90s.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Fighting Bigger Opponents

In 2004, I came out of retirement (after 2 years out) and fought in the Shidokan World Open 8 Man Welterweight (170 lbs) tournament. In the semi and final matches I fought fighters who were physically bigger and stronger (fighters who fight as heavy as 185 lbs). I want to share some strategies that I use when fighting a larger opponent. In this clip you will see me cutting off my opponent's power by getting inside of his reach. I use movement to stay out of harms way when he presses forward. You will see jamming techniques to get a clinch.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Movement And Angles

From time to time, I going to break down some of my fight footage for you. Hopefully you can use some of my methods in what you do. Movement and angles are key in fighting. Movement creates offense and defense. Here's a sample of me applying these principles in the 2002 Shidokan World Open. My opponent is Muay Thai Champ, Matee Jedeepitak. You will see me move in and out in angles and move away from his power (i.e. strong left leg kicks). I try to stay inside or outside his strengths.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Kudo Highlight Clip

Here's another cool clip of Kudo (also known as Daido Juku). It is a sport that allows all weapons (punches, kicks, knees, elbows, head butts, etc.). Throws, tackles, take downs,  and grappling is allowed. Good stuff here. Check it out.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Ron Van Clief Fight Footage

Ron Van Clief, "The Black Dragon" appeared in several kung fu films during the 70s. He also fought Royce Gracie in an early UFC fight in the 90s (in his early 50s). I just came across some fight footage of Ron as a young man in Hong Kong. Check him out.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Van Damme Fighting Footage (For Real)

For years many have wondered if Jean-Claude Van Damme was a real fighter or not. Well, here is a little footage showing some tournament stuff and an interview with his Karate instructor.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Shidokan Knock Down Karate Rules

Traditional knock down Karate is very different from Shidokan Karate tournaments. For example, in Kyokushin grabs, throws, take downs, and submissions are not allowed.

In Shidokan Knockdown rules grabs, throws, and subs are allowed. The rules allow brief moments of grabbing/grappling to emphasize speed and control to finish an opponent under a knock down format. Remember all knock down karate rules seek to finish an opponent in the most efficient manner possible, creating a sense of urgency.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Head Trauma

In contact sports there will be a lot of trauma to the head. Let's face it, contact is bad on the body. As a fighter you have to be careful in training and allow your body to heal after competition. After competing for several years you have to assess the damage done to your body and evaluate when your end time for competition will be. Check out this clip on head trauma.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Rolling Arm Bar

Looking at YouTube you can always find some really cool videos. The arm bar is used in every grappling event and there are so many ways to attack for the Juji Gatame (arm bar). Here's is a unique twist on the rolling arm bar in a Russian Sambo competition.!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Real Karate Tournament

To do away with politics in Karate there should be tournaments where the different organizations compete against each other under an agreed upon format. This would create unity and commaraderie among the different groups. Here's a clip from such a tournament several years ago featuring: Kyokushin, Shidokan, Seidokan, and several others.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Everybody Loves A Winner

It's funny how fight fans talk bad about a fighter once he loses. He can win for 10 years and as soon as he loses, many will say he doesn't have it anymore. For the simple fact that he's in there doing it, means he still has it. As a fighter, he loves to fight. He seeks competition and wants to be challenged. He walks that fine line between winner and loser. Just like he can win, he knows he can lose. I respect anyone who will get and there and just do it. Beyond our selfish wants to see our favorite fighters win all the time, we have to remain loyal fans to them even in defeat and be thankful that they have given us the entertainment and excitement that got us to watch them in the first place.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tae Kwon Do Knockouts

Here is a highlight of knockouts from Tae Kwon Do competitions. Because the emphasis is on kicking, these athletes posses some serious skills in the feet.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Competition For Self Defense Training?

Can competition help you prepare for a real self defense encounter? Absolutely. Why? Look at a boxer. He practices 4 punches (jab, cross, hook and uppercut) and puts those 4 punches together in multiple combinations against a non-compliant opponent. He runs, spars, does bag and pad work and competes against trained opponents. Sure he fights under a set of rules and isn't allowed to kick or eye gouge, but he is deadly. Look at the guy who grew up grappling (i.e. judo, wrestling, etc.). He has been taking opponents down to ground, controlling them with positions/submissions. He does this against in shape, well trained, resisting opponents. These athletes are strong mentally and physically and impose their wills on strong opponents. These attributes translate over to one's self defense skills. These individuals deal with fear, anger, adrenaline, pressure, pain and fatigue. They are able to push themselves past the limits of non-competitors. Guys who fight in the cage have to fend off punches, elbows, take downs, knees, holds, submissions, etc. against trained fighters who specialize in some form of delivering pain. So, next time you hear somebody say that competition isn't suitable for preparing one for real situations, ask them how many fights they have.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Saenchai Muay Thai Highlight

Saenchai Sor Kingstar is one of the most gifted fighters in Muay Thai. He is unique and he's throws technique that no one else will attempt.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Have A Base Art

In today's martial arts world, there are a lot of styles to train in.  The MMA approach is very popular. In Mixed Martial Arts, we say that you have to train in several disciplines (i.e. boxing, kickboxing, wrestling, grappling, etc.) to be well rounded. Develop a base in one art (kickboxing, karate, or whatever) and then add on. Your base art will be something that fits your body and personality. I like to kick people in the head, so my base is Tae Kwon Do and Karate. Since I like to kick, opponents are going to want to get in close, so, I learned to box and kickbox. Because I like to kickbox and box, opponents are going to want to grab when in close, so, I added Muay Thai skills for the clinch. Once in the clinch, opponents may want to me down, so I added Judo so I can throw or sweep from the clinch and then I added the newaza (grappling). Find out what you like and build your MMA approach around your strengths and improve in any areas you feel week in. GO TRAIN!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Winning Attitude

In listening to different fighters talk, I see many turning down fight opportunities because they don't think they're ready. They want to avoid the top fighters in their weight class because the time is not right. A trainer once said, "If a new fighter walks into his gym and doesn't believe he will be champion from day one, then he never will".  Of course everyone can't attain the top spot, but I think that if you want to be a fighter you have develop that mindset of taking on all comers. Test yourself against top opposition. If you lose, you know where you stand. You can evaluate what you are capable of and go from their. You can possibly win against your perception of another. We see upsets in all sports. No matter what, be a winner in your mind.

Friday, December 2, 2011

50 year old grudge match

Here's beautiful right cross by a 70 year old retired football player.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

More of Kancho Soeno Teaching

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

74 year Old Karate Master

You're never told to train and be in shape. Check out the shape of this young guy.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thank You God For Letting Me Win

Sometimes after a fight you will see the winner jump for joy, look up in the sky and thank God for their victory. Back when we were kids, the coach would have the team gather together in Prayer before the game (of course the other team did the same). Sorry if I offend you, but the Almighty ain't gonna pick you over your opponent. You and your opponent are going to decide who wins. At the end of good fight, go and thank him.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Top MMA Submissions Video

Here a cool video showing the most commonly used submission techniques in the sport and some of the rare submissions you will see.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Shidokan Founder Still Has It

Kancho Yoshiji Soeno still at it. Check out his moves in this video from a seminar in Poland. OSU!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My Muay Thai Journey

Working out in boxing gyms over the years, I was able to meet all kinds of martial artist coming in to sharpen up their hands. I was able to meet boxers, kickboxers and Muay Thai Fighters. Muay Thai is known as "The Art of Eight Limbs" and is one of the toughest ring sports. I met Pedro Villalobos at a martial arts gym in Atlanta. He moved to the States from Madrid. We began training together and sharing our knowledge. Back in the late 90s I worked a job where I traveled back and forth to Boston for about 8 months. When I was up there I would work out at gym run by a talented instructor named Jerry (now Boston Muay Thai). He and a fighter named Steve ran the place. He trained in Thailand at the famous Fairtex gym. I was exposed to true Muay Thai. Pedro would later go to Thailand. He stayed for a period of time training and fighting. When he returned we delved deeper into the art and trained like we were in Thailand 6 days a week for 3 years. We started Thailand Arts Institute and trained a group of several fighters for several years. Pedro became the ISKA U.S. Middleweight Muay Thai Champion by defeating Russian fighter, Gregory Flintsanov in Atlanta in 1998. He later fought in the first MMA event in Atlanta (the Submission Challenge later to be called the Gauntlet).  Pedro left the states in 2002 to make Thailand his home. He established a gym and continued his study of Thai Martial Arts and now teaches Muay Sangha. His website is He is an author of two books (one on Muay Thai and another on Krabri Krabrong). He travels internationally giving seminars too. He along with Champion Kelly Leo were my main training partners for years. Pedro helped us to develop our Muay Thai foundation and he was instrumental in helping the art develop in the Southeast.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

80 Year Old Jhoon Rhee

John Rhee is known as the father of American Tae Kwon Do. He has been a successful martial artist by creating a martial arts business that has stood out for decades. Here he is at 80 years old pumping out some push ups and doing splits.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Frank Brennan Shotokan Karate Fighter

Here's example of a superb Karateka. Awesome technique. Check out UK's Frank Brennan.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Give Ronda Rousey A Hand (or Arm)

Olympian Ronda Rousey displayed her world class grappling ability in her fight against Julia Budd. This is an example of being a master at one thing and adding to your toolbox.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Multiple attackers

Here's couple of examples of one against many in a confrontation. The key things you will see will be footwork and and emphasis on hands. Check 'em out.

Kung Master against 3 attackers

Boxer against 4 attackers

Boxers against 2

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Prove It In The Ring

Martial artist speculate about what works and what doesn't. The practice a lot of theory and they are told by their instructors that this and that will work like this. Students don't really know if their instructors have ever done it. If you are learning a technique ask what, when, and how to it. Get out their and experiment in the lab (competition). Outside of real confrontations, competition is the perfect testing ground. You have to deal with emotions, adrenaline, fatigue, pain, etc. Don't be a talker, be the walker.

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Champion's Mindset

In order to be a champion or to accomplish anything in life, you have to decide for yourself that that is what you want and what you will attain. Of course good coaching and training is a plus, but the most important thing is self dedication and self motivation. You will become what you truly desire if you really want it. Look at any successful person and ask them what their burning desire was and I'm sure that it will be whatever it is that they have accomplished. And what you have to take into account is that successful people of have paid their dues. Champions don't always win and bounce back from losses. Most will quit when things get hot in the kitchen. You have to push forward through tough times and remain positive. If it was easy, everybody would be doing it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Getting Into Fighting Shape

To get ready for competition you have to be in shape before you begin fight training. A lot of athletes are lazy and try to get in shape while training for a fight. You should already of a good base condition to begin with. If you have 6 to 8 weeks to get ready for a match and you start at the beginning of that 6 or 8 week cycle, you are behind. A competitor should be training and learning all the time. When getting ready for a fight, you should run. Running should be outside if possible and you mix distance and sprints. You need to alternate hard, moderate, and mild workouts. Don't kill yourself everyday. You need to spar, do your bag, mitt, shadow boxing, rope, drills, etc. In the gym you need intensity of 60 to 90 minutes. For you guys that say you train 4 plus hours a day, you ain't gettin' in with real intensity. Train the way your are going to fight. Boxers glove and spar with the same intensity they will have in a fight. The only difference is that the gloves are bigger and they wear headgear. When training, simulate the fight environment. As mentioned earlier, allow recovering after the hard sessions. Be sure to train like you compete and push yourself. Many of us need outside motivating from a trainer or coach. That's great, but remember you have to reach down inside of yourself and bring out your best.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Just Do It!

There is so much talk about what is best. This style does this and that style does that. Which has the better hands, the best grappling, the more powerful kicks, etc.? If you don't spar and or compete against as many people as you can, it means nothing. You have to train or compete against fighters who specialize to see how your techniques work in different situations. Do speculate. Get out there and do it. Just like the shopping networks, martial artists get into novelty techniques. The latest, greatest new thing. While there are innovations in everything, it still boils down to hard work. You, experimenting and experience the world of martial arts. Get out there and train!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Shotokan's Aidan Timble

Shihan Aidan Timble is a key figure in Shotokan Karate. A successful competitor and instructor in the UK. Check him out.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Shidokan "Triathlon of Martial Arts"

I came across a cool slide show of Shidokan Karate at the Honbu (U.S. headquarters) in Chicago. The clips feature some key people in Shidokan. Black belts who have been part of the organization for many years. Individuals who have fought in and helped put on tournaments. They teach classes and give back to the art. Check out my Shidokan family. OSU.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pad Work

I watch a lot of coaches feed targets to students and fighters, giving them preset combinations to execute or drills. All of the above is great. But, how do you prepare for a fight? I see experienced professionals having combinations called out and set combinations being the norm in pad work. Some of the pad work has to be "alive". What I mean by that is that you have to be throw your own combinations and work without patterns. Opponents are predictable in that everybody gives something away. If you watch them for a while you will pick up on patterns and certain things that telegraph what's coming. I study body language  and the rhythm of technique delivery. When I hit pads, I get with a regular training partner who is used to holding the pads for free style pad work. If I do something really weird, I give him a heads up as a I do it. I don't want to create habits that can be picked up on by an opponent. Like Bruce Lee said, "You must be formless".

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mike Tyson Knockout Highlight

No matter what martial art you study, we all appreciate a good knock out. One of the best KO artists in boxing was Iron Mike. Appreciate this.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The "Detroit Destroyer" Takes On 3!

This past weekend, Shidokan Atlanta's own, Eric "The Detroit Destroyer" Heegaard, came up against 3 opponents. This was for real folks. After leaving the Jay Z concert, Eric had to catch a cab due to missing the last MARTA train. While waiting 3 guys decided to rob what they thought would be an intoxicated, unclear victim. For those of us who have had a drink or two with Eric, he can drink most under the table. Well, even though he was drunk, he fought all three. The grabbed him, kicked him, and punched at him, and even though he was tipsy, he laid into them using punches, elbows and knees and throws. He chased the one with the wallet 6 or 7 blocks, letting the guy think he'd gotten away (he may have been intoxicated, but he does workout). He surprises the wallet snatcher with a knee to the head as he leans over catching his breath from running, takes the guy down and locks him into a triangle choke and punches him and chokes him until the guy gives him his money. Feeling sorry for the guy, Eric throws him $20 bucks and goes on his way.

Monday, October 31, 2011

This Is Karate

This is a pretty cool Karate clip, showing mostly Shotokan fighters and a little bit of Kyokushin's hard training. A lot of knockouts here. Enjoy.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Kyuozo Mifune

Check out this cool clip of Judo Master Kyuozo Mifune

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Richard Trammell Boxing

Here's an old clip of me in my first pro boxing match back in 1994. It took place in Carrolton GA.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Keep It Simple

In today's martial arts and fitness worlds, people are always looking for the next best or great thing. We all want somebody else's secrets to make us better. If the Champ does it this way, then I should is the thought. In many cases we can learn from the success of others. What we must remember is that our individual success requires us to travel on our own unique journey. We must apply ourselves and work hard to accomplish our goals. Many people look at the goals attained by others and get frustrated when they have the same right off the bat. They don't see the dues that one has to pay to get to the next level. We always what it right now, or we think we do. I do believe that if you really want something you will get it. Think about things that you didn't get and I'm sure if you take an honest look deep inside, you will find reasons why you didn't get it. Maybe you missed practice, didn't study enough, didn't rehearse your lines, etc. Now look at things you accomplished (not easily) and you will see that you paid the price to get it. Keep it simple folks, just work hard and never give up.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Freddie Roach

Not only is Freddie Roach the trainer of Manny Pacquaio, but he was also a rough and tough boxer. Check out boxing's most famous trainer as young fighter.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Judd Reid Completes The Hyakunin Kumite

Congrats to Judd Reid for completing the 100 man Kumite. Here's a clip of bout 100.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Karate Champion Claibourne Henry

Last month I had the pleasure of watching this guy fight at the Annual Yoshukai Karate Superfights in Oxford Alabama. In the finals he defeated one of my guys. His knock down karate skills were very high. He is a World Kanreikai Karate Champion. Here's a great clip of Mr. Henry.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

How Bad Do You Want It

Here's is an inspirational video showing a man pursuing a dream to be a boxer. Spending many years in boxing gyms, I've seen folks from all walks of life work to attain a goal. I've seen guys work construction all day and come in and train for a chance at fighting. This desire is not the same as just wanting to fight for money or fame. Sure we all want to be comfortable, but the desire to fight goes beyond material things. You fight in your chosen sport because you have to. This will motivate you to achieve.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Greatest!!

Whether Muhammad Ali was the greatest or not is arguable, but it can't be denied that he is all of sports most entertaining athletes. Check out this highlight of "The Greatest".

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Jesse Cowell Highlight

Came across a pretty cool highlight video of Jesse Cowell. Jesse is a former bare knuckle fighter under World Oyama Karate. Very good kicker. Check him out. He now works in the film industry.

Monday, October 17, 2011

America's and One of the World's Best Tae Kwon Do fighters

Steven Lopez is the most accomplished Tae Kwon Do player in the US. Here's a cool highlight video of the champ.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Shidokan Karate's Judo Players

At Shidokan Atlanta we learn all that we can in the world of combat martial arts. Along with Karate, Kickboxing, we include Judo and Jiu Jitsu. Here is some of our guys competing in Judo.

Friday, October 14, 2011

A Throw Back to the 80s

The PKA was the big item back in the 80s. ESPN Kick of the 80s featured top fighters like Brad Hefton, Jerry Rhome, Rick Roufus, Dennis Alexio and Jean Yves Theriault. American Kickboxing (above the waist kicking) as the premier sport in Martial Arts. Here's a cool highlight clip.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Judd Reid

Came accross an interesting Karate story about Karate Champion Judd Reid. I'd seen footage of him fighting in the World Kumite Organizations annual show. He is getting ready to do the 100 man kumite this month. I also saw some footage of him as a teenager pursuing a dream to go and train in Japan for 3 years as a live in student. You see will see in these clips, the present and the past and see a process of following a dream to be the best that one can be.

In competition
As a youth
Preparing for the 100 man kumite

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Traditional Martial Arts Don't Work

Before you get mad (those who are traditionalists) and curse at me, let me explain. The training methodology of traditional martial arts (kung fu, aikido, etc.) compared to modern martial arts (boxing, wrestling, etc.) is very different. In most traditional karate and tae kwon do schools training is done with a cooperative partner. In a boxing or kickboxing gym, training is done with a noncooperative partner. In aikido, techniques (locks and throws) are drilled with a non-resisting partner. In judo, locks and throws are trained against a resisting partner. Commercial martial arts schools are extremely careful and water down the training for liability reasons and so they don't scare students away. Give me a 10 year black belt from a commercial/traditional school and give me a 10 year Golden Glove boxer and I'll pick the boxer to come out on top in a fight. Why, because the boxer is used to getting hit, trains harder, and competes. Some martial arts think competition is unrealistic, but outside of real fighting it's the only way to test skills against an uncooperative opponent. For those who don't think so, go spar with a kickboxer and try your stuff.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Profight Karate

Here's another sport out of Europe called Profight Karate. This event takes professional martial artists from different organizations (Shidokan, Shindokai, Kyokushin, etc.) and the fighters will fight under a set of rules that will keep the essence of Karate. Check it out.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Continuing Education

In the martial arts world, there are constant changes in what's popular. In the 50s there was Judo, in the 60s and 70s Karate, in the 80s Tae Kwon Do and American Kickboxing, in the 90s Muay Thai and NHB, in the 2000s MMA and Reality Defense, and so on. As martial artists we have to evolve our skills and not be limited to one methodology. At the same time, we have to study yesterday's techniques and understand that nothing is really new. Even though I have a traditional beginning, I knew that boxers had the best hands and judo guys have the best throws. Muay thai has clinch fighting with elbows and knees, wrestlers have the best leg attacks, etc. Recognizing these things doesn't mean I don't think other arts are less effective (well, in some areas, yes). I appreciate what all arts have to offer, but I also recognize weaknesses and strengths.  Always have an open mind and learn all that you can. In school, we learn ancient history and modern history. The same is the case in martial arts. If any were a waste of time, then they would have disappeared.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Challenge Yourself

If you compete, especially as a professional, you have to always challenge yourself. Fighters are sometime afraid to fight the top guys in their division. If that's the case, then don't fight. You want to fight the best because your goal should be to be the best. Believe in yourself and fight them now. If you lose, you can evaluate what you did well and didn't do well. If you win, then you know that you are where you want to be. If you get lesser opponents, you will get a false sense of security (not really, because deep down you will know). Step up the plate and swing for the fences.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Old School and New School

I guess I'm getting older and I starting to say the stuff I heard from older guys when I was younger. We've all heard, "They don't make them like the used to" or "You young guys are soft". Of course these aren't true statements, I do have good reason to say them sometimes. As a former world champion and forever gym rat, I see a lot of young fighters wanting to be champions, but, they don't want to pay their dues. We see high level professionals and want to be like them. People don't take into account what those individuals did to get there. I was talking to a buddy of mine and we remember when you could go to any gym, walk in, ask to spar or workout and if you were good and represented yourself well, you were welcome. Now a days, dojos and gyms are full of folks who turn their noses at people from other gyms. I see 20 year olds with less than 10 amateur fights working as instructors and coaches. I see guys with no fight experience of any kind working corners and referring fights. You try to show a new guy how to do a jab and he wants to do the spinning back fist. You show him a low kick and he's trying to do a spinning hook kick. Folks are always asking "When am I testing for my next rank" (in the old days, you'd be waiting longer just for asking). Martial arts are a big business, but there has to be some integrity. It's cool to want to be part of the fight game, but pay your dues man. Walk the walk.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

This Is Knockdown Karate

Here's an exciting video of Japanese Bare knuckle or Knockdown Karate. This is a unique form of combat and you will really appreciate it after seeing this.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Yoseikan Budo

Here's something a little different to look at today. This style is called Yoseikan Budo. It combines traditional martial arts with modern combat sports.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Artur Hovhannisian

Bare Knuckle Karate is a unique combat sport. Where combatants fight with no protection (other than mouth guard and groin protector). Hand techniques are prohibited to the face and neck, but all else is allowed (hand techniques to torso, all leg and knee techniques allowed to head and body). Very few can argue that this style is one of the most difficult forms of combat. Check out Artur Hovhannisian, one of Kyokushin's top fighters. He is the 8th man to finish the 100 man kumite.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Matee Vs Korcyl

Here's a clip of a great Shidokan Fight between Matee Jedeepitak and Tomaz Korcyl. Check it out.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ilias Iliadis

Here is the incredible Ilias Iliadis, Olympic and World Champion Judoka.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Yoshukai Superfights

I saw some great fights this past weekend at the Annual Yoshukai Superfights in Oxford, AL. Congrats to to our kids and adults for doing an awesome job. All of our kids (Ricky, Max, and Zahkee) place first, competing in both point and full contact karate. All of our adults placed in the semi-knockdown (full contact with pads): Tristan, Kevin, Richard, and Khanty. During the evening bare knuckle fights, "Big" John, Vinny, Rhonda and Eric all fought well and placed. The event featured some of the top knock down fighters on the east coast. I was really impressed with a couple of fighters from NY who dominated the middle and heavyweight divisions. For those of you who've never seen full contact bare knuckle karate, you should go see some. These events are very different from other combat sports. Here you see kids and parents competing and cheering each other on. You have to fight and if you can't take punishment, it ain't for you. Great job to all the fighters, dojos, etc. And a special thanks to The World Yoshukai Karate Association for putting on a great tournament.

Monday, September 26, 2011

My Favorite Shidokan Fighter

In the 90s and early 2000s, Shidokan featured some awesome fights with some of the top combat athletes. Jerry Morris, Pat White, Marco London, Aurilien Duarte, to name a few. My favorite fighter was Kestutis Arbocius. He was the 1999 and 2000 Shidokan World Open Champion, King of Pancrase, and he was one to most well rounded martial artists you can find.

Friday, September 23, 2011

International Shidokan Women's Superfight

Here's a great fight from the 2001 Shidokan World Open, featuring Roma Mitsyke and Miriam Ziegler.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Shidokan Women's International Bout

Here's an exciting Shidokan match featuring Roma Miksyte (Lithuania)  and Ziegler (Germany).

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My First Book Signing

I want to thank all who came out to my first book signing at the the Rev Coffee House this past Saturday. It was a busy, good and bad day. After training folks and teaching classes in the morning and afternoon, we shot over to the Annual Japanfest and did a Shidokan Demonstration. The festival was packed (seems to get better each year). Rushing back to the gym before going to the book signing, I was in a car accident. Luckily, no serious injuries. But we had to wait for the cops to show and so now I'm in a bigger hurry. I get to the gym, start changing as I leaving, and fastening buttons at every light, I finally make to the book signing. People started to filter in late (which was good, because I was). My editor, Noel interviewed me and we did a Q&A with the attendees. We had a decent crowd for a Saturday evening event. And we were able to sell some books (at the Japanfest and the signing) that day. Thanks to all of you and for those who don't have my book yet, get it!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Floyd Mayweather and Victor Ortiz "Dirty Fighting"

You either saw or heard about this past Saturday's boxing show on Pay-per-View. Ortiz head butted Floyd and in response, Floyd knocked him out while Ortiz was apologizing, catching off guard. Was it legal? Yes. The ref did restart the fight (after penalizing Ortiz for the head butt). From what I saw, Ortiz was apologizing and not looking at the ref signaling the time keeper to start the clock. Floyd smiled, acknowledging the apology and then hit Ortiz with a hook, straight right combo that KOed him. Ortiz was completely wrong in the head butt (which resulted in a spit the both sides of Floyd's lip). What Floyd did can be justified, but I think that he should have been the bigger man and exhibited the class of a champion by not sucker punching his opponent. He was winning the fight, his opponent got frustrated and cheated. Floyd decided to get even and lower himself to a dirty level. He should have continued to out box his opponent and show that fans that he is a class act. After the fight, the interview with Larry Merchant was just as bad. Floyd blew his cool and cursed out Merchant, who in return wished he was 40 years younger so he could kick Floyd's ARSE. This type of behavior is unbecoming of a legend (which Floyd claims he is). I mean, you're a controversial high profile, rich athlete. You know the expert analysts are going to ask good and bad questions, make their comments, etc. Remain a gentleman and show the world you are a true champion instead of a hot headed kid.

Monday, September 19, 2011

I Thought Martial Artists Were Supposed To Have Manners

Shidokan Atlanta did a demonstration this past weekend at the Annual Japan Fest. As I was walking to the venue, I passed several martial artists, who were doing some type of demonstration at the event. They were either coming or going. I would say hello in passing (I was wearing a gym t-shirt and Karate pants). It seemed painful for people to speak to me (and I was the first to speak in all cases). I was received with respect by only 2 schools (I see them every year at the festival). I am happy to see people train in martial arts (regardless of style) and I expect some type of camaraderie between us. In the martial arts, they teach us honor, respect, discipline, etc. Many traditional martial arts have some kind of school commandments or oath. Unfortunately, I am finding a lot of martial arts folks to be insecure, egotistical and impolite. When I around fighters (boxers, kickboxers, etc.) they always speak and show respect. Many traditionalist think that fighters lack honor, discpline, etc. but they need to check themselves. Instructors lead by example. Your students are an extension of you. If you have insecurities, you pass them on to them. Always be courteous and respectful.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Be Ready To Fight Anybody!

A lot of fighters are picky about who they fight. Isn't that weird. If you say you want to compete and challenge yourself, surely you want to fight somebody who is good. Of course we want to feel good about ourselves and think that we are the best. But deep down we know that's not really true. A true competitor want to fight that good fighter they keep hearing about to see who they would fare against him. A true competitor wants to face an opponent who can possibly beat him. That's living on the edge. That's why I really like tournament style matches, were you don't know who you are going to fight from match to match. All you know is that you are in a playing field of tough MoFos. Whoever walks away the winner that day can feel like they've accomplished something. Fights where one guy fights another for a belt and they train for months with one opponent in mind is not the same. I wish promoters could just get a bunch of fighters in a room. Have warm up and get ready and then 30 minutes before the fights start, they reach in a hat and pick a name and whatever happens, happens. That way guys aren't googling each other and studying opponents of opponents and their trainers and training partners, trying to come up with a game plan based on what he did 2 years ago. Live in the now and welcome the challenge.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Semy Schilt

Semy Schilt is a multi K-1 Grand Prix Champion from Holland. He is also a karateka and MMA fighter who has fought for all the top organizations (UFC, Pancrase, K-1, etc). Check out this clip.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Enter The Dragon

Bruce Lee's, "Enter The Dragon", was Hollywood's 1st major martial arts film. It is a classic piece. When I was a kid, I sat in the theatre and watched it 3 times. To this day, whenever it's on TV, I will watch from wherever I catch it to the end.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How to be a Champion by Richard Trammell--Book Release/Lecture - Neighbor Newspapers

Hello Everyone,

I would like to invite you to my book signing, Saturday 9/17th at the Rev Coffee Shop in Smyrna (6-8pm). Come meet me and my editor, Noel Plaugher, and listen to an interview and get your autographed copy of my book. OSU!

How to be a Champion by Richard Trammell--Book Release/Lecture - Neighbor Newspapers

Monday, September 12, 2011

Congrats to Shidokan Atlanta!

This past weekend was a successful belt test for Shidokan Atlanta. Our kids and adults did an awesome job in completing their requirements for their next rank. Kihon (basic techniques), Kata (forms) and Kumite (sparring) were tested. After an intense conditioning fitness test, they sparred 10 rounds (5 standing) and 5 rounds grappling. The went throw a throwing line, demonstrating several judo throws and the did some board breaking. I pick breaks that challenge students depending on their level. Soon we will put a video up to show the guys and gals in action.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Thomas Lapuppet

One of the pioneers in American Martial Arts was Thomas Lapuppet. I remember reading about men like him in Karate magazines as a kid.  He is a well renowned Shotokan master and was instrumental in spreading Karate throughout American.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Security Guard Uses Martial Arts Against Assailant

Here's an example of when a guy with a little training fights a guy with no training.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Champs Choice Of Effective Arts Revisted

A while back I went over the martial arts that I suggest you learn. Here's another look at my top picks. They are all well known martial arts and a few are olympic sports. They all require great physical conditioning and you learn what does and doesn't work quickly. Boxing is a science that you will give you superior hand skills and toughen you physically and mentally. You will learn to put your body behind your punches and learn how to take a punch. Judo will teach you to throw, control and submit. More than individual techniques, the key benefit from this art is the transition from standing to ground. Tae Kwon Do gives you fast accurate kicks. A lot of the kicks would take great skill to execute in a real fight, but the flexibility, cardio and agility from TKD is a plus. Add some of the kicking drills from TKD and you'll get all the plyometrics you need. Muay Thai is the science of 8 limbs. For me, the low kick, the clinching (with knees and elbows) are the special tools. When fighting you and your opponent will eventually lock up (in a clinch) and you want to be able to dish out some punishment. These are proven systems and can be practiced as they will be applied in combat.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hanging Out With Olympians

For my Labor Day Weekend I got to hang out with a Couple of Olympians. One being my Judo Coach, Leo White (2x Olympian in Judo) and Track and Field Legend Edwin Moses (Gold Medalist and World Champion in the Hurdles). Being a Morehouse graduate, I had to ask Edwin if it was true that he created his own unique stepping pattern to improve his speed (he has a Physics Degree from Morehouse). He replied, "Morehouse taught you well".  He is a very cool down to earth dude and is still in great shape. Here's a pic of me and some friends (Leo far left and Edwin 2nd from right). 

Monday, September 5, 2011


Russian Sambo is known for it's throws, armlocks, and it's crippling leg locks. Check out this video to see why this is a unique and exciting martial art.

Friday, September 2, 2011

1997 Pro Tae Kwon Do

Several years ago, a professional version of Olympic Style Tae Kwon Do aired on ESPN. It featured top level athletes from the U.S. fighting without the chest and head protectors. Here's a clip of a good match.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Savate Highlight

Let's take another look at something outside the realm of popular martial arts (karate, jiu jitsu, etc.). Here's is the French art of foot fighting, Savate. It is a form of kickboxing that has a unique rhythm and approach to fighting. Check it out.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Raymond Daniels

Here's an exciting clip of point fighting champion Raymond Daniels. You will some some clips of him in the World Combat League too. Truly one of the best in tournament Karate. Watch the timing.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Frank Shamrock on Nutrition

Here's a great clip on nutrition by MMA legend Frank Shamrock. Listen well.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Top 10 moves of 2009

This is an incredible video of some crazy exercises. If you think you're in shape, try some of these. This is truly impressive.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Anderson Silva is MMA's Best

The Spider put on another display of skill this past weekend as he knocked out Okami with ease. His timing and accuracy is second to none and he landed punches, knees, and kicks at will.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Spin Back Kick

The Spinning back kick, in my opinion is the most powerful kick in combat sports. Sure a spin heel kick or a 360 round kick can be powerful. But the spin back kick has a higher success rate in combat sports. The kick is thrown in a straight line, so even if blocked, the kicker can recover to a safe position. The others mentioned are circular, so if you miss the risk is greater. Here a back kick used in the cage.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Aggressive Aikido

Aikido is an art where one uses an attackers energy against them. Many people will frown at Aikido and view the same as other combat martial arts. I have met some really good Aikidoists and their are versions of the art that are just as effective as some of the other popular combat arts. Here's a nice video clip I came by.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Senegalese Wrestling

There is a form of wrestling for every country throughout the world. This is Senegal's wrestling art, Laamb. It combines strikes and wrestling. It's a little different.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Muay Thai Worldwide

Muay Thai is really big the international scene. I think we are going to see K-1 style and Muay Thai promotions grow even more in the future. How can you not enjoy this.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Franco De Leonardis

Here a very good fighter and real cool guy, Franco De Leonardis.  I met franco several years ago in Chicago at the Shidokan World Open. He is an awesome grappler and a well rounded fighter. I came across this highlight video and wanted you guys to check him out. Enjoy.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thai Youth

It is easy to see why Thai fighters have the best Muay Thai fighters. Look at this video and watch these kids spar. The sport is part of their culture like basketball, soccer, etc. are part of western culture.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bare Knuckle Karate

I came across this belt on exam on Youtube from a black belt test in Japan. This is come hardcore stuff because the belt candidate is sparring back to back rounds bare knuckle with hard contact. There is shin to shin, bone on bone, knuckles to the body. This is hardcore karate.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Classic Full Contact Bout

Here's a classic fight between 2 of American Kickboxing's greatest Full Contact Fighters (above the waist kicks). Ricky "The Jet" Roufus and "The Iceman" Jean Yves Theriault. This match took a long time to happen. For over a decade Theriault dominated the middleweight division. This fight took place in 1994 at the tail of the Iceman's career at Light Heavyweight. Enjoy.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Herb Perez

Herb Perez is a pioneer in Olympic Style Tae Kwon Do. He was a 1992 Gold Medalist. Here is a highlight of some impressive Knockouts. Watch the spinning hook kick.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Incredible Story

An amazing story here about Keiko Fuduka. She is the first woman to be promoted to 10 dan by the Kodokan. Check out this story. It will inspire all.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Another Shidokan Fight From 1996 Team USA

Here's another fight from the '96 Shidokan Team USA. Here we have Shihan Bo Medenica in the semi finals. Look for some great kicks from.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

1996 Shidokan Fight I

Here's an exciting Shidokan Fight from Team USA 1996. Very intense action. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

American Point Karate Legends Interview

Here's an interesting interview with some of tournament karate's greatest fighters. During the late 70s through the 80s, they were the best tournament fight team. A lot of interesting comments about tournament karate of today. They see the skills of today's point fighters and kata competitors lacking and the commercialism of karate affecting their sport. It's a little long but it's good.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Christian Buffaloe II

Here's a recent interview of N.C. Christian Buffaloe, a truly Karate kid getting ready for the Championship in Japan later this year.

Friday, August 5, 2011

101 Ippons

You got to look at this promo for 101 Ippons (2010). It shows some incredible throws and submissions from some of the best judoka in the world.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Resistance Training

There's tons of information out there on resistance training. There many schools of thought preaching different philosophies. Weight training, bodyweight training, isolate (one muscle group), complex (multiple muscle groups, how many sets, reps, etc. Now a days there's a lot of stuff on explosive training and plyometrics. My take on this subject is find a mix of things that work for you. Understand that olympic lifts and plyometrics should be done with care. Most people are not going to tryout for the Falcons. People who compete do them in cycles. Professional athletes do them during certain planned out periods of training. Now fitness gyms have people doing them regularly as part of a fitness fad. On isolation training. There is always an imbalance in folks bodies. This comes from injuries or lack of use (i.e. if you are right handed, then your left is going to be weaker), so, we isolated to rehabilitate or develop weaknesses. Most of us need moderate resistance work. Athletes develop strength during their off season. And don't believe weights will make you a better fighter. Resistance work supports skills. Skill development is different and should be emphasized first. If I have spar 10 rounds with me, what and how you lifted ain't gonna matter. In the off season, experiment with different training methods and find what works for you. During event preparation, focus on skill development. For the general public, do believe all the crap you hear at the gym.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mark Huizinga

3X Olympian and Olympic Gold Medalist, Mark Huizinga is truly one of Judo's best. Came across this cool highlight and wanted to share. What his commitment to his throws and watch is roll over follow up to a defended triangle choke. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Train Like You're Going To Do It

When training for an event, you have to prepare by doing that event and exercises that directly translate to what you are going to do. For example if you are getting ready to fight a 3 round fight (of 3 minutes), it wouldn't help you to train by jogging 5 miles slow. You'd be better off running 2 to 3 miles at a fast past. If you are hitting the heavy bag and at the end of the work round you aren't winded, the next round you need to work harder. Don't just go through the motions. Move like you would in a match. Create the intensity of competition in your mind. Visualize the fight. If you are talking to your buddies and jiving around talking during the workout, time is wasted. Focus on the task at hand and rap to your buddies after you train. Fighting is not a game and those who get their hands raised at the end of the match are usually the ones training smarter.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Join The Bandwagon

As a fighter, you have to watch out for those who leech on to you. Everybody wants to be around the fighter (when you win primarily). Everybody who's been in the gym when you worked out is a training partner. Coaches who've never held pads for you, say they helped train you. When you lose, everybody has an opinion of why, how and what. When you win, they crowd around you and take credit for your victory. Remember your true friends are their when it's not convenient for them. The guy who sweats with you in the gym, wraps your hands, tends to your cuts, and sits with you when you've lost. The guy who isn't running around running his mouth when you win. For the rest of them, kick 'em off the wagon.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Kickboxing Knockouts

When looking at striking arts and sports, many will argue which techniques work best in certain situations. They argue that their style is more lethal than the next and some their techniques can't be practiced on people and the sport aspect is not realistic. Well, all I can see is get in the ring and touch 'em. Look at this video and ask yourself if this something you'd like to be able to do. The great thing about kickboxing is that it doesn't care what your style is. It doesn't care what your belt is. The belt is in the ring. Enjoy.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Want To Be A Champion?

There are a lot of fighters out there but there is only one Champ. Why is it that one fighter dominates and the other fighters just wish for it. Wishing, dreaming, hoping, and all that is great. To be a champion, you have to tell yourself that you are a winner and that you can beat everybody else. Once you have your basic foundation down and you have some experience, you have to say to yourself, "I am here and I am the best". To many fighters avoid the hard and tough fights and don't think their ready to step it up. I say go for it. To be the best, fight the best. It's a win win. If you lose, you know where you are and if your can play with the big boys. If you win, then that's even better. Wait and it will be too late. Look at the confidence of that the champions you idolize. The have big egos and believe in their abilities. I have seen a lot of gifted athletes never reach their potential because the didn't have the mental strength to do so. As I always say, "Believe it to achieve it"!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sons of the God Hand

Mas Oyama (known as "The God Hand")  produced some of Kyokushin Karate's greats. In this clip you will a who's who of great karate fighters (Filho, Matsui, Kazumi, etc.). Look at the extreme training methods and fight footage. Kyokushin (The Ultimate Truth) gave a way to full contact karate.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Anderson Silva is the Best

Ask me who the best fighter in MMA is and I will say the "Spider" Anderson Silva. I think he is the most versatile fighter in the sport. The highlight video explains it. You name a technique in martial arts and he's displayed it fights. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lechi Kurbanov Highlight

Here's a recent highlight of one of Kyokushin Karate's top fighters, Lechi Kurbanov. Kurbanov is known for his aerial kicks. Check this out.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Want To Stay On Your Feet And Strike?

I watch a lot of fights where Stand Up fighters will step in to the ring or cage in MMA fights and are not able to have the striking advantage they thought they'd have. In order to compete in MMA a fighter has to have take down defense. Grappling arts like wrestling and judo that focus on take downs and throws are ideal. Strikes have to embrace a grappling art like these in order to strike effectively. In the mid-90s I started seriously studying judo to help me get ready for the Shidokan (The Triathlon: bare knuckle karate, thai boxing, grappling). Since then I've trained with athletes from almost every grappling background (brazilian jiu jitsu, wrestling, judo, etc.). I recommend training with take down artists and competing in grappling tournaments of some kind. To learn some in class or training is one thing. When compete in a specialized event, you are forced to apply what you learn and you learn faster.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Judo Applied Off The Mat

Here's a couple of entertaining application of judo throws being used in non combat sports and business.



Thursday, July 21, 2011

Really Want To Learn Self Defense?

I was asked by someone the other day to teach some self defense moves. I tell people you can't go to a seminar and learn to defend yourself. You can practice a combat art for months or years and still not be able to defend yourself. Self defense is a mental projection of readiness. It is an attitude. Attackers prey on those who are not aware. Most of the violent encounters young men get into can be avoided. You guys know what I'm talking about (drink with your boys, go to the bar and look for a fight, or somebody talks to your girl and you want to beat him up). For the ladies, it can be very different. You go out with a new guy and he gets too touchy and you may have to fight him off. A lot of women want to learn self defense, but when they see students on the ground grappling, they don't want to do that "grappling stuff" and I say, "how are you going to learn self defense because if you get attacked, it will probably be some grabbing involved. My number one self defense rule: Study people! When you were a kid and came in after curfew, you knew by the look in your mother's face (without her saying it) what was coming. Be aware of your surroundings especially when your hanging out late at night (remember what your father said "nothing good happens at 1am in the morning").

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How Should You Spar?

Sparring can be done in many ways. Hard, light, medium, etc. You can spar kicks only, hands, only, hands and feet, clinching sparring, etc. The best way to spar is to put on the boxing gloves, headgear, shin and foot guards and go at it. Pad up well and use some contact. You don't have to give your partner brain damage, but be sure to make good body contact and 70% to the head. It is best to segment your sparring (i.e. hands only for a couple of rounds, kick only, hands and feet) to develop all areas. When doing light sparring you can get by without wearing headgear, but medium to hard sparring, wear one. Go to a boxing gym and watch some pros spar and you will see why they wear head gear. Remember that you need to created the atmosphere of a fight. Pad up well so you can create the intensity without the injury. Train hard.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Blue Eyed Samurai

Andy Hug was known as the "Blue Eyed Samurai". He had superb technique and super kicking ability. He died at the young age of 35. He one of a few to win the K-1 grand prix (that didn't come from Holland). He is a Kickboxing and Karate Legend.

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Axe Kick

The Axe Kick is a kick that you won't see a lot in full contact competition because few fighters are flexible enough and have the skill to do it. When it lands properly it can be very effective. The heel of the kicking leg slams down into whatever it hits. See this video on the Axe kick.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Round of the Century

This is one of the most brutal rounds to see. This is a throw back to the Ray Robinson, Jack Dempsey, type of wars. Ward and Gatti, two warriors who put on some of the most memorable rounds in fight history.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Muay Thai's Best

Saenchai is one of the best Muay Thai fighters in the world. He is truly a showman. Observe his technique in this playful sparring at a Muay Thai expo with some of the best in the world.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Shadow Boxing

One of the most overlooked and misunderstood training methods in fighting is shadowboxing. You tell fighters to shadow box and they move around, throw punches, make hissing sounds, not rotate their hips, not work defensive, moves, and talk to their workout partners. Nope, that ain't how it is supposed to be done. You must visualize and see an imaginary opponent. You have to know when to move and when to sit down on your punches and understand that for everything you do, somebody's going to do something back. Make you shadowboxing a fight. Put your mind into it. It is just as important as hitting the pads, bags, skipping rope, etc. Check out superstar Lucia Rijker (World Champion in boxing and kickboxing) shadowboxing.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More Judo Throws in MMA

There are many ways to take an opponent down in a fight. Here are some real life throws and takedowns in this clip. The throws here are judo throws with no gi. As MMA evolves we see all kinds of martial arts techniques being added to the game.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Another Shidokan Fight

Here another Shidokan MMA match. Pretty intense match with grabs, throws, and a lot of action. Enjoy

Monday, July 11, 2011

Shidokan Cup Fights

Here's a couple of fights from the 2009 Shidokan Cup in Japan. This is an annual event that feature bare knuckle karate and gloved karate (kickboxing). Shidokan bare knuckle allows clinching, throws and submissions. On the ground the referee will give you 5 seconds to apply a submission. That doesn't sound like a lot of time and you have to be good to do it. It creates a since of urgency to finish an opponent quickly (and that's a good thing). Look for some good judo throws in the first one too (by Ryo Sakai).

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Spin Kick Knockout

Spin kicks are high risk maneuvers with high returns if landed. Check out this KO clip.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Peter Aerts

Here is a highlight of one of the greatest kickboxers of all time. The Lumberjack, Peter Aerts. Check this out!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

How Can I Get Better

A lot of young athletes seek the holy grail when it comes to training. They try all kinds of supplements, training routines they see top athletes do, etc. But the first thing I notice is lack of technique. We've all heard the philosophy that all being equal, the stronger athlete wins. In a perfect scenario, this may be true. But in all my years as a combat athlete, I've never seen that to be true. There are always guys who are stronger, faster, etc. than an opponent. One guy may be able to lift more, run longer, do more sit ups, but still his fear to fight prevents him from performing to his best. Another guy might half ass train but when because he just meaner than the other guy. My suggestion is to perfect your technique to the best of your ability before looking for some special tool to get you to that next level. If your technique is sound then you  know that you can count on it when all else fails. Do your cardio, strength and conditioning, etc. but develop your skills. And remember success comes from inside. Train your mind to think like a winner.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hand Speed of the Boxer

Of all the martial arts, boxers have the fastest hands (boxing specializes on fists). Check out this highlight of some of the fastest punches in the sport of boxing. You will be amazed.

Can You Take The Pain?

I watched the David Haye vs. Wladamir Klitchko fight this past weekend. I thought Kiltchko tried to make a good fight out of it, but Haye ran for 12 rounds. At the end of the bout he said he couldn't push off is right foot (his power side) and this his "Haye'-maker (but he could run for 12 rounds). I'm of of the believe that if you are really injured or hurt you won't fight. Athletes are always injured. I know of fighters to fight with busted ribs, broken noses, etc. In an earlier blog, I put a video of me fighting with a torn ACL in a tournament. So, it's not like one bout and you just fight off of the adrenaline. You get to go cool down some, wait on your next fight, start swelling in a cold room and go back out for another match. Here's another video 2 years later of me having problems with the same injury (I have torn both knees in the ring in fights). Now I was definitely fighting for far less than what Haye fought for in last Saturday's Heavyweight title bout.

Here is a clip for the final match of The 2004 Shidokan Welterweight World Open agains the tough "Hollywood" Dave Huelett. I turn of the pain receptors until the end of the match. As you will see I still throw some kicks with it. Round kicks are OK, but straight kicks, nope.  I basically limp around during the match.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Tae Kwon Players! Get Rid Of The Chest Protectors!

I am former Tae Kwon Do player and I enjoyed the sport in the late 80s and 90s. Now when I looked at it, the emphasis has changed. To score back in the day, you had to cause trembling shock. If you landed a kick and feel, no point. Now, the contact can be a touch and you can fall and still get a point. The best thing they can do is get rid of chest protector and let us see some blows land that will make fighters keep their hands up.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Cael Sanderson is a legend in the sport of Wrestling. He was truly unbeatable. His college record was 159 and 0 losses.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Stuff That Doesn't Really Work!

There are lots of styles that teach connectivity (trapping, locking, sticky hands) to an opponent's limb. There is a lot of stuff out there with a lot of wrist locks of over grabbing punches or knife attacks. A lot of what self defense experts present out there doesn't work like they say it does. It may work on a slow punch or push, but not on fast hard attacks where people half way no how to attack. A lot of what is taught in martial arts are techniques that are supposed to work against someone not trained in what you are doing. So, yeah, maybe some of it will work against your drunk buddy at a party. Most predators are going to do do more than push or hold your wrist. I have never seen a grown man grab another grown man by the wrist  (not even school boys).

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Clinch Sparring

Muay Thai is known for it's use of the clinch. To be able to fight and defend yourself in the clinch takes lots of practice. Thai fighters will knee spar sometimes 30 minutes in a training sessions. It is great exercises and will wear you. Check it out.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Credible Coaches

They need to stop! I keep hearing of fight gyms with coaches who have no real experience. I get irritated at these "boxing" and "kickboxing" coaches who have almost no real fight experience, outside of a few amateur fights. This is B.S! A coach doesn't have to be a champion to teach, but a coach should have been a fighter and have years of training and experience as a competitor. So, if you come across a twenty something year old instructor and you can validate his or her experience, don't spend your money.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

U.S. Shidokan Open 1996

Here's some "Best of U.S. Shidokan" action from 1996/1997. Some good stuff that aired on ESPN.

Part I

Monday, June 27, 2011

M-1 Global

When people think of Mixed Martial Arts, the first organization that comes to mind is the UFC. M-1 is very big in Europe and puts on big shows too. There are a lot of stars out there from different countries mixing it up. Check out this highlight video.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Fighters of Shidokan Atlanta

Shidokan Atlanta was started officially in 2002. I became a member of U.S. Shidokan in 2000 and asked U.S. Shidokan president Shihan Eddie Yoshimura to start a branch in Atlanta. Since then, I have trained fighters to fight in almost every combat sport there is. Here are a few of my students testing themselves. Win, lose, or draw they learn and their experiences are educational to the dojo.

Phil Sehenuk (fighting in a Shidokan Triathlon rules fight Chicago: Karate, Kickboxing, MMA and Pro Boxing)

Jaral Bowman (fighting MMA and Sanshou)

Camron Wilthshire (in the 2006 Shidokan World Open Triathlon Rules)

Joshua White (in MMA and Judo)

Quincy Sutton (MMA)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Kata Magic

I've discussed Bunkai (the application of Kata) in previous posts. I am always seeing new "Experts" in the field of Kata. Some present some decent material, but a lot are still reaching. I will argue that full contact (in a combat sport if you have no real life fight experience) is the only to learn how to fight. Despite what the experts present, they forget that fighting of any kind requires: timing, reaction, emotions, and reflex. Now they will say that they have drills and that the techniques presented can be done without seriously hurting your training partner, etc. An amateur boxer or kickboxer with less than a year of experience will usually beat a student of another martial art (i.e. Karate or Tae Kwon Do) with a few years or more experience in a scrap (I say this from experience training boxers and karate fighters). Now I am not being anti-Kata. Kata is based on a principles of combat and they give history to what Karateka do. The applications given in most cases become a little overcooked. The best learning method is to spar or compete. Through sparring you can have a non-compliant opponent and you can learn to deal with strikes, throws, submissions, etc. I teach Kata and enjoy it tremendously and I teach them to my students. But, I emphasize sparring and impact training (hitting things). My guys and gals get out there and compete in all combat sports to experience the adrenaline, the pain, the fatigue and the ups and down of fighting. Then they can apply this to their Kata (not the other way around). So, don't be mislead by the Bunkai theorists who tell you that sport fighting is real enough. Notice they never have any fight experience they can show you. Listen to the Kata guy with knock outs and tap outs.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Side Kick

The side kick is an effective technique that you may not see a lot in combat sports. You will mainly see the front and round kick as the most utilized of kicks in competition. The reason being is that you can keep your body square when using the kicks. The side kick requires the body to turn sideways and the chances of getting countered are greater. But when timed, it is a very effective technique. The best time to throw the side kick is when your opponent attacks with a technique the squares his body up (i.e. a right hand). Offensively you can throw the kick into your opponent's guard to knock him off balance. Here are a couple of side kicks knock outs.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Don't Forget To Stretch

Stretching is one of the most important pieces of training. Not only does it prevent injury, but it enhances movement. My recommendation is to do passive, static and ballistic stretching. After warming up, do some light stretches, holding the stretch 10-20 seconds. When getting ready to kick to some dynamic stretches (i.e. crescents, straight leg to chest) to prepare the body to kick. After training, grab a partner and have them push your body or leg for some passive stretching. Breath slowly and focus on relaxing. As you exhale go a little deeper. If you don't have partner, use a belt or strap to pull yourself into deeper stretches.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Yoshiji Soeno Still At It

Kancho (Grandmaster) Yoshiji Soeno is the founder of Shidokan Karate. Soeno was an instructor for Kyokushin Karate, but set out on his own in 1981 to start The World Karate Association Shidokan. Here he is in Europe conducting a seminar with Shihan Murakami (a former K-1 fighter and Karate Champion).

Monday, June 20, 2011

Kata Men Video

I view Kata as an artistic expression of combat. I'm not into the musical and xma stuff. I appreciate the hardcore classic Kata. Check this out.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Old Man Having Fun

Being a combat athlete for many years, I was able to compete at high level for Kickboxing, Muay Thai and Shidokan (The Triathlon: karate, kickboxing, grappling). In the disciplines mentioned, I was able to spend several years training and competing in each. I've been studying judo for several years, but wasn't able to devote time to competition until this year. Prior to this time, the last judo tournament I competed in was in 2002. Yesterday, I competed in the Georgia Games State Championships in Judo. I competed in the Seniors division (young guys) as opposed to my age group for Masters (40-45). I was able to take first place for gold. It was a place and great experience. For the past year, I've been training with 2x Olympian, Leo White at his Wakamusha Judo Club. I would like to give a special thanks to Josh White (one of the top players in the U.S.) for helping me improve my judo. The Old Man (me) is having fun. So, challenge yourself to get out there and take on a new challenge in life. Train hard.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Demolition Man

Alistar Overeem is top dog in K-1 and MMA. He is the only fighter to win a world title in both.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Do What You Do

As martial arts change, evolve, etc., you see so many martial arts schools add whatever the current craze is to their curriculum. Karate and Tae Kwon Do schools add Cardio Kickboxing, Grappling programs, Krav Maga, etc. It is not a bad thing to make money, but a lot of instructors go to weekend seminars or just fabricate the credentials to teach something new. As a pro kickboxer, I have gone out of town and looked in the phone book to find a kickboxing gym to go train at. Upon getting to the gym, I found out that it was really a kickboxing gym, but a Karate school. To me, that's false advertisement and it's lying to people who join. I've had ladies come in the gym and say they've kickboxed before and you ask them to do a kick and they do a dance step before they kick. People confuse Cardio Kickboxing with Kickboxing. Martial arts have become commercialized and that's OK. They are part of American culture, but I would like for gyms and schools to teach with truth and integrity. There are guys with zero to a few amateur fights teaching at "Fight" gyms. Unless you put in the time to teach something, stick to what you do.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Martial Arts Action Stars

It is very difficult for me to be entertained by today's martial arts action movies. There is too much special affects and instead of using martial artists, they train actors to do some moves and give them stunt doubles. I have to watch old school martial arts movies (Enter the Dragon, Drunken Master, 18 Bronze Men, etc.). But there are a few martial arts actors out there today that bring some excitement to the screen. My picks are:

Michael Jai White

Donnie Yen

Scott Adkins

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Brazilian Kick

The roundhouse kicks is the most utilized kick in martial arts. This is a version of the kick where the kicker folds the kick over an opponents guard. In modern times it is known as the Brazilian Kick. Brazilian Kyokushin Karate fighters Ademir DeCosta, Francisco Filho and Glaube Feitosa are known for this technique. Here Glaube demonstrating it for us.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Front Kick

The Front Kick is a basic but effective Karate technique (the basics are the most important). The knee is chamber and the ball of the foot is extended into the target and then the knee is recoiled. The kick can be snapped or the hip can be thrusted forward. The snap creates force from the snap and the thrust is used to drive through and knock an opponent away. Look at the clips below.

Anderson Silva's Front Snap Kick

Lyoto Machida's Jump Front Kick

Friday, June 10, 2011

Larry Jarrett

I was talking to my friend Marshall Davis (owner of KBX gym in Alpharetta GA) and we talked about former Kickboxing champions. He mentioned Larry Jarrett, a tough fighter from Florida that I fought several years ago. Come to find out he passed away earlier this year. Larry came up in Karate and boxed and kickboxed. He was none for being one of the most durable fighters of his time. He became a World Champion, a fireman, husband and father. Here's the video of our match. This was for the ISKA Full Contact Rules U.S. Light Middleweight title in Doraville GA, 1997. I knocked him down twice in round 1 and he recovered and managed to finish the fight strong. He was truly a tough one because he's the only guy that I didn't finish after knocking them down. This was a nine round brawl. After the 4th round, I knew I wasn't going to get the KO, so I had to win on points. Larry came out harder each round. Tough dude folks. He fought champs like Dave Marinoble, Paul Biafore, and more on his way to becoming a world champion. Rest in peace, Champ.

IKF write up on Larry
Me and Larry fighting

Thursday, June 9, 2011

How To Be A Champion E-Book Available on Amazon

Hello Friends,

A few months ago, I told you that my 1st book, "How To Be A Champion" would be available. Well, now the E-book is here for you. We are still working on making the hard copies available (which will have a really cool cover). But, for now you can get an inexpensive electronic copy from Amazon. There will be a bio section, I will talk about my first Shidokan experience, I will discuss a little of the mental and physical preparation, and a good section on techniques for full contact karate, kickboxing, and grappling. Thanks to Phil Sehenuk and Jaral Bowman for helping to demonstrate techniques. You will also see fight photos from Shidokan shows (some that I promoted and some promoted by U.S. Shidokan). I would also like to thank Noel Plaugher for making this happen. Enough talk for now, get you E-book! Go to and look it up (How To Be A Champion by Richard Trammell). Thanks for you support.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A History of Boxing Video

Here's a pretty cool boxing video showing fighters from the the past to present. I like it up to the present. I think that there are a lot of good boxers past the 90s era (in the clip, current guys get dissed). I will agree with a lot of people that there are not a lot of good Heavyweight fighters (United States) right now that we see. Today, I do see a steady rise in boxing of lighter weights. Bernard Hopkins shook up the boxing world by winning a fight recently at the age of 46 against a strong Pascal. Anyway, you will still enjoy this clip as it will give some history to this amazing sport.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Scared to lose?

When I was coming up in the martial arts as a competitor, I would take every chance I could to compete. I trained everyday, so, if asked to fight on a week or 2 day notice, I did it. Today, a lot of young fighters aren't so quick to do that. I see amateurs turning down fights because there opponent has a couple of more fights than them. I've promoted events where a fighter looking to make her debut wouldn't take a fight against a girl who only had one fight. Professional fighters avoid ranked fighters because they don't feel they are ready. My fourth professional kickboxing match was against a 2x World Champion. My 4th boxing match was against an Olympic Bronze Medalist who had over 200 amateur fights (to my 3). I say fight the best opposition and test yourself to see if you have what it takes (assuming your goal is to be champion).

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sanshou Chinese Kickboxing

There are many forms of kickboxing. One of them is Sanshou/Sanda. This sport combines kickboxing with throws and takedowns. Points for throws are based on how how good a throw is performed (i.e. sweep, throw over the back, throw overhead, etc.). Here's a highlight clip of this exciting sport.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Jean Frenette

I am not a big fan of musical kata, but I have to admit I use to like watching Jean Frenette do his thing. His Creative Musical Kata, still kept some Karate in it (with out turning to a dance, gymnastic routine). Check out this clip.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Shuai Jiao (Chinese Wrestling)

Shuai Jiao is a form of wrestling developed by the Chinese. It history dates back to 2697 B.C. and it is practiced to this day and is a popular sport worldwide.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Forrest Griffin

I remember seeing Forrest Griffin fight on local shows in Atlanta several years ago. This is before the Ulitmate Fighter and the UFC Light Heavyweight title. He's come a long way and remains humble to this day.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Karate's Alexandre Biamonti

One of the best Shotokan tournament fighters was Alexandre Biamonti. Check him out.


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rickson Gracie's Budo Challenge

A tournament that features some of the best grapplers in the world. Check this out.

Friday, May 27, 2011

1st Real Karate Championship

Here's a cool tournament here. The different Knockdown Karate styles (Kyokushin, Shidokan, Seidokan, etc.) did a tournament with each other to get a full contact karate champion. It would be nice to see this happen all the time, as most organizations stay in their on little worlds. Enjoy.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

2009 Top Strong Fitness Moves

Check this out!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Remy Bonjasky

One of the top K-1 Heavyweight fighters was the "Flying Gentleman" Remy Bonjasky. Check him out.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mestrando Cocada

I want to share a clip of a good friend of mine, Mestrando Cocada of Groupo Maculele.  He has dedicated his life to the spread of Capoeira and he is a true master. Enjoy.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Paul Biafore

Canada's Paul Biafore is truly one of the best welterweights to lace up in the sport of Kickboxing. He could box and he could kick. The way he put combinations together is second to none. Check this out.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Judo's Justin Flores

I came across this judo highlight clip of Justin Flores. He is an accomplished judo player and wrestler. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Muay Thai Clinch

Muay Thai is known for it's specialization of the clinch. This art has the best knee techniques of any martial art, as thai fighters speed hours honing the clinch range.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bong Soo Han (Hapkido)

Bong Soo Han is helped popularize martial arts by show casing the Korean art of Hapkido in the 1970s "Billy Jack" movies.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Smooth Character

Here's a clip of Wayne Gregory winning Shidokan Team USA. Wayne is an accomplished kickboxer and pro boxer. He is the first American to win by KO at Lumpini Stadium.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cross Train!

In today's martial arts, everyone needs to cross train. You need to cover the different ranges (close, middle, long, and ground). When looking at combat arts to study for a realistic martial arts that you can learn self defense skills from, here are my picks. Pick 2 to 3 out of this group and train.

Bare Knuckle Karate (with grabs)

Boxing (hands)

Muay Thai (use of 8 limbs)

Judo/Wrestling (throws like these on hard surfaces would end it all)

JuJitsu (nogueira highlight because he's one of the best submission artists in MMA)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Koshiki Karate

Here's a different Karate that many of you may have never seen. It is a full contact sport, where competitors wear a helmet and chest protector. No gloves and the supersafe helmelts are really hard, so condition your hands.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pull Ups Anyone?

Try some of this stuff next time you do your pull ups.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rob Kaman

Here's the legendary Rob Kaman in action. He is one of the best kickboxers of all time fighting in full contact, Kickboxing, and Muay Thai. During his time, the best kickboxers fought any fighter in the different kickboxing disciplines (above the waist, low kick, and full Muay Thai).

Monday, May 9, 2011

Manny Pacquiao is the Pound For Pound Top Boxer in the World

Pacman showed us why he's the top guy in boxing this past weekend by beating Shane Mosley. Here's a clip of the 3rd round knockdown.
Floyd Mayweather calls himself the best, but when we look at common opponent's that they've fought (Ricky Hatton, Shane Mosley, Oscar), Manny has beaten them much easier. Of course match up of styles determine the outcome of fights. Floyd has to step up to the plate and take on the "Pacman" to prove who's top dog to the fans.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Jerry "Golden Boy" Trimble Interview

I've had the pleasure of being on the receiving end of Jerry's kicks back in the day. I commend on him on making a successful transition into acting and creating his destiny. Listen to this interview and be inspired.

Friday, May 6, 2011


There are many forms of kickboxing out there. Check out the art of French fighting with the feet, Savate.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Shidokan Katutogi Festival

Here's a triathlon match from a few years ago in Japan. Shidokan and Muay Thai fighter, Steve Phillips in action.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Full Contact In America

During the early 70s karate fighters to compete in Full Contact. Eventually karate fighters would develop boxing skills and the sport would become kickboxing. Here are a couple of clips of karate and kickboxing legends, Benny "The Jet" Urquidez and Bill "Superfoot" Wallace.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Ice Man

Now, I am not talking about Chuck Lidell. I talking about kickboxing legend, Jean-Yves Theriault. From the 80s to the 90s he was the best full contact fighter.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Jump Front Kick in MMA

Lyoto Machida's karate at work again against MMA legend Couture.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Jacare Vs. Marcello Garcia (2 of the Best)

Here's a clip of two of Jiu Jitsu's best warriors.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Shotokan Great, Mikio Yahara

Regardless of your style, you will dig this video clip of Mikio Yahara. Truly one of Shotokan Karate greatest.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hard Consistent Work

If I offend the young bucks, my apologies. A lot of fighters today say they want to be champions, but a lot of guys don't want to put in the work. Guys want to name drop and impress you with where and who they train with, but a lot of times they half ass train. Many athletes look to some special supplement or some tool to get an edge. High paying pro athletes (i.e. baseball, football, track.) use enhancement drugs to get ahead of the competition. Even non athletes are looking for some faster, easier way to get results (diet pills, energy pills, expensive supplements, etc.). Well, here is the secret folks, HARD CONSISTENT WORK (there is no secret).  Those things along with a strong believe in your ability. If I lose to an opponent, I can always give an excuse. They may be faster, strong, smarter, etc. But if you beat me, you beat me that day. As a competitor, it did not matter to me whether you drank or eat something special. I didn't care what your training routine was. There was no advantage. You either beat me or you didn't. At the end of the day, it boils down to spirit. So, put your time in. Don't look for the easy way. Get up and train (and keep training).

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Peter "Yamato Damashii" Angerer

Today I'd like to share a highlight of Peter "Yamato Damashii" Angerer. Shihan Angerer is the head of German Top Team and he is the President of German Shidokan. He has done so much to promote the art of Shidokan and all combat sports (Muay Thai, MMA, Knock down Karate). Unlike a lot of instructors, he is a "fighting instructor". He has fought all over the world and has fought the best of the best (in Kickboxing, Karate, MMA, Muay Thai, and submission wrestling, and more). Win, lose, or draw, Peter walks the walk (whereas most master instructors talk the talk).

Monday, April 25, 2011

Think You Can Kick?

Some people look at the sport of Tae Kwon Do and wonder why these guys hop up and down and scream when the kick. To compete in this sport you have to have great flexibility, speed, timing, and distancing. Imagine the athleticism required to kick like these folks.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Some More Shidokan Bare Knuckle Fighting

Shidokan knockdown karate is unique in that it allows grabbing, sweeps, throws, and a little submission (has to be done fast). A strong emphasis on hard body punches, lots of knees, and hard low kicks are the stables of this style. You will see some high and spin kicks thrown here and there (these techniques are high risk for a high return).

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Great Full Contact Fight

Full Contact (above the waist kickboxing) is not that popular in the U.S. like it was in the 80s and early 90s, but it is still popular in Europe. Sebastian Pace and Karim Ghajji are top notch kickers and have fought a couple of times. Check out this action.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hajime Kazumi

Another Kyokushin great for you today, Hajime Kazumi. He kept in basic with hard body punches and crippling low kicks. Check out this world champ.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dennis Alexio

Another superstar kickboxing from back in the day was Dennis Alexio. Many of you who save Kickboxer will remember him has Jean Claude Van Dame's brother in the movie. Well, he was a multiple time world champ too.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Norm Rivard Highlight

Norm Rivard was a dominate Karate fighter in the 90s. He won most of the top bare knuckle karate tournaments (Sabaki, Shidokan, etc.). He combined hard karate and judo sweeps and throws.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Master Hee Il Cho

I've been a fan of Tae Kwon Do Master Hee Il Cho since I was a kid. He was ahead of his time in pushing weight training and boxing for martial artists. His breaking skills are the best. Many breakers use spacers to help break multiple bricks and boards, but Cho doesn't. Check this out!

Friday, April 15, 2011

No Pain, No Gain

Those who compete in full contact sports will have injuries from time to time. Some times these injuries can be serious. I've seen fighters bruise their shin from having a kick blocked and fall in pain and swear that it was broken. Then, I've seen fighters with compound fractures still trying to fight when everyone else is trying to stop them. Outside of skill, technique, endurance, etc. there is a special thing that it is hard to teach. It is "toughness". This is a mental attitude of never giving up and refusing to accept defeat. You have to ignore pain and fatigue. The path to becoming champion goes beyond skills and training because all of the athletes at a high level are well trained and highly skilled. Outside physical attributes comes will power. Here's a couple of clips with me competing in the 2002 Shidokan World Open. I am fighting with a torn ACL (right). I manage to win semi final and final bouts against two incredible fighters (Muay Thai World Champ Matee Jedeepitak and Japan Kickboxing Champion Ryo Sakai). I tore my left ACL years prior in a kickboxing bout against 2x World Champion Robert Harris, so I knew I could will myself to finishing these bouts. Refuse to lose and never give up.

clip 1 (kicked to the knee at 4:57)

clip 2 (get tossed several times during the karate rounds, because stability is gone. buying time to get the kickboxing rounds. knee gives out at 7:19 when I throw a left front kick, after that, no more left front kicks)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

MMA Queen

Satoka Shinashi is not only pretty, but dangerous. Check out this action pack video of her.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Judo Throws in MMA

Here's a clip I came accross today with some really good throws and takedowns. Enjoy.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Awesome Fight

If you didn't see Nick Diaz and Paul Daley fight, here you go. The body blows did it.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Lechi Kurbanov

One of Knockdown Karate's best, Lechi Kurbanov.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Valeri Dimitrov

Valeri Dimitrov is one of full contact Karate's best. Observe his technique as he makes inflicting pain look beautiful.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Karate Round Table Discussion 3/20/11

For those of you who missed my 2nd interview on Martial Arts Talk Radio Interview, Check it out.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Knockout Highlight

The most refined art of fighting with the hands. Check out this highlight of boxing knockouts for 2010.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Carnage

Nathan "The Carnage" Corbett is one of the top Muay Thai Fighters around. He hails from Australia and he is an awesome fighter. Check him out.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Honor Thy Father

My first hero in life was "Pops". I can remember him coming home and wrestling with me and my brothers, teaching me how to ride a bike, and hit a baseball. He put us in the martial art for discipline, self defense and focus. Pops passed away last week. He had an accident and never recovered. He had been living with pain for several years, so now he can rest. Major Charles Trammell was in Vietnam was when I was born, so, I was walking when he came home. He was a busy man, spending a lot of time in the field training (as he was 82 Airborne). He would be gone 2 weeks at a time, and we are always excited to see this dirty, scruffy solider come home after running in the woods. By the time he was 30, he'd traveled the world and did more than most people will their whole lives. Pops was real good with kids. As we got older, he was harder on us. It was his way of preparing you for the cruel world. He was 100% military. After retiring from the Army, he worked in the civilian world for 3 years and hated it. He went back to working for the Department of the Army as a civilian until he retired. Now, I don't write this to depress you or make you feel sad for me. I am happy to have had my father for 44 years (he only had his for 9). He made my life easier than his and taught me some good basic lessons in life. I learned to accept responsibility for what you do, take care of your family, set goals and achieve them, and work hard. Whatever he set his mind to do, he did it. He taught me to believe in myself and never give up. I write this today to honor my first super hero, my "Pops". Rest in peace old soldier.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The "Brazilian Kick" Mawashi Geri

The "Brazilian Kick" is a popular kick in Karate. It is a version of Mawashi Geri (or Round Kick) where the kicker turns the knee down so that the foot goes over the defender's guard. Famous Brazilian karateka Francisco Filho and Glaube Feitosa are known for this kick and used it with great success in Kyokushin and K-1. Before those two great fighters, there was Ademir da Costa. He was Brazil's first superstar karate fighter. Check him out.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Machida Karate

Lyoto Machida is the most accomplished Karate fighter in MMA, in my mind. I say this because he has adopted Karate specific technique to cage fighting. There are a lot of fighters who have Karate backgrounds, but most opt for kickboxing and boxing type of techniques. With Machida, you see Shotokan Karate techniques. Sure, he is well versed in the popular fighting styles (boxing, wrestling, ju jitsu, thai boxing, etc.), but he brings something different that no other fighter in MMA shows. Some may criticize his methods (his patience and lack of aggressiveness), but he is one of the best.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Enshin Karate

Joko Ninomiya was a student under the late Ashihara (who left Kyokushin and started Ashihara Karate). After Ashihara passed, Ninomiya would later start Enshin Karate. This system is based on Sabaki. Sabaki uses circular motion to avoid force and move to an opponent's blind spot. For over 30 years, Ninomiya has hosted the Sabaki Challenge, a bare knuckle full contact karate event featuring fighters from all over the world.