Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sparring Is Key To Your Development

In order to pull of that new move you just learned, it is going to take PRACTICE. A lot of time you show someone something and they get frustrated when it does not work for them right of the bat. It is because they have PRACTICED it enough. You have drill a new technique so your body remembers it and then you have to spar with it to make it work under pressure. For those of you who get the opportunity to compete, you get to apply it against a fully resisting, adrenalized, opponent. Sparring is the most important training for you because you are doing it for real. It is the most important aspect of PRACTICE.


  1. I have noticed this and couldn't agree more. Recently I have seen faster, bigger opponents and it completely threw me off of my game as I have only sparred smaller guys. Now that I have faced bigger guys, I can see how sparring is the only way to get used to the speed, power and what a real fight will feel like. Sparring is golden and I plan on doing lots more as I now see the importance. No matter how many rounds you spend on bags or drills, nothing gets you ready to compete like sparring. Great advise!

  2. I have noticed this and couldn't agree more. Recently I have seen faster, bigger opponents and it completely threw me off of my game as I have only sparred smaller guys. Now that I have faced bigger guys, I can see how sparring is the only way to get used to the speed, power and what a real fight will feel like. Sparring is golden and I plan on doing lots more as I now see the importance. No matter how many rounds you spend on bags or drills, nothing gets you ready to compete like sparring. Great advise!
