Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Why Martial Arts Are The Best Exercise

Martial Arts are the best workout. Why would I say such a thing? First, let me say that any kind of exercise is good. You can run, swim, lift weights, etc. There are many ways to get in shape. Martial arts are more than exercise in that you learn technique, theory, and application. You go to class, warm up, review, learn new techniques, apply those lessons and condition your body. You test what you learn in stressed environment. You spar with your classmates and test your will. You have to deal with fear, fatigue, physical limitations, etc. When you are getting ready for a belt test or competition, you have deal with nervousness, anxiety, etc. If you can get on the mat and look another person eye to eye and punch, kick, throw, and submit them (with them doing them same to you), you learn who to keep your ego in check. Not many forms of exercise can do this. Martial Arts can. You have to be social, so if have trouble speaking in front of people you get over it. You develop confidence and learn through trial and error of what you need to do to get better.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Jack Of All Trades And Master Of All

We all heard the expression, "Jack of all trades and master of none". As a martial artist, I've decided to pursue mastery of all. Most of us will be good a one thing or maybe two. I have devoted my lifetime to trying to be good at all. Am I great at all of them, maybe not, but I feel that it is the goal. In school, you might have an A in some subjects, B in others, and so on. Let's pursue straight A's and to be great in all we do.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Battle Tested Techniques

How do you know what you learn will work in  reality. There are many instructors that will tell you that their systems is this and that. Some will criticize other systems and say that their system is superior to others. Well don't go for any of that if that person can't demonstrate to you that they are telling you the truth. In order for something to be effective, you have to be able to apply what you learn against a resisting and non-compliant opponent. For effective fighting technique you have have to have fighting experience. You don't have to go get in a real fight (it would help), but you have to spar with resistance. Don't get caught in concepts. Learn from those who have real life experience applying those techniques, not just those who have belt and certifications and no fights.